Want to order now and have it shipped later? No problem!
We can schedule your order for shipping anytime in the future that you need it. Just let us know in the "Order Notes" section during checkout what day you would like your recipient to receive your order and we'll ship it out to make it happen. You can also give us a call at (888) 665-8757 to talk about specific shipping dates. We ship all our orders on Mondays and Tuesdays - so orders will be received Wednesdays, Thursdays or Fridays based on location.  

Need to send along cooking instructions or recipe ideas?
Great! Just request the 3 Recipe Card Set in your order notes and we'll add the to your order. Included are recipes for: Bison Sloppy Joes, Bison Steak Marinade & Reuben Casserole. All cards include this website URL where you can go to find more great bison recipes!

Looking to give corporate gifts?
We're more than happy to set up a program for you to send gift packages to employees or clients and we have a variety of price levels. Give us a call to talk about your needs & options! (888) 665-8757  

Shop our Bison Holiday Specials for great gift ideas!